Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Sweet Potatoes

I buy bags of sweet potatoes and they're one of my favourite comfort foods. Tonight's post is less of a recipe and more of a top 10 list of things I can make with any leftovers for a quick reference.

1. Jacket sweet potatoes with butter and pepper and any other toppings I have lying around. 
2. Sweet potato mash
3. Roasties with rosemary or mixed herbs
4. Wedges with paprika and salt
5. Sweet potato and spinach curry
6. Satay sweet potato
7. Sweet potato casserole (jury is still out on whether marshmallows should ever be on a main course but I'll include it here for reference anyway)
8. Fries
9. Cubed and fried with Mexican (or any) spices
10. Sliced longways and topped like bruschetta or pizza

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